100 Reasons Trump is unfit for the job

I realize that. He rants about how they’re Socialists and bemoans the direction his people are going.

I tell him sit down, be quiet and stop talking. I said your people kept evolving, as societies are wont to do. Your understanding of your ancestry is based on those that left in the 17th century. What been passed on from generation to generation is a frozen memory and understanding of Scotland. Cultures, societies, etc are dynamic…in other words things change.

You’re true to a Scotland that may no longer exist.

I learned that from my understanding of being an American of Mexican descent and hearing my elder relatives talk. My grandmother’s understanding of her land of birth was stuck in the post-revolutionary period of Mexico and the culture as it was.

Wow, you gleaned all that from little ol’ me and your understanding of Scottish nationalism based on watching Outlander…didn’t ye?

Disappointing to say the least, but fair I suppose when I am contributing to your country’s worth. You should however concentrate more on that.

Scotland is not descending into anarchy and fascism, you are. Again, it isn’t a debate, just happenstance I suppose.


I don’t believe Scotland is descending into anything approaching chaos.

You’re correct, we are.

Mis-read your post, well that is embarrassing, I got my reaction crisscrossed wiff Wabbit.

I can say I am sorry, but heh, we all make mistakes.

No big deal. It’s all good.

I like it when we make up…can we make up now?

Almost nothing hotter than making out after making up.


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