4700 windmills - don't they know they don't work

Do you really think they dont work?,

Of course they work - I was makin fun of the trumptards

Are Trumptards really against wind energy? I know some libs who thought wind farms create wind.

Trumptards are against anything that does not destroy the environment

Trump sez wind turbines cause noise cancer of the brain.

Is that like how solar panels eat the sun

As for solar, Trump also asks what if you want to watch TV at night?

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Some extra douchey Republican, I believe from Texas says Wind Turbines will deplete the wind. cuz wind is finite doncha know, unlike Coal.

I’m more of a centrist and I enjoy the trumpshow, but I will just add that windfarms kill so many native birds they had to write new laws granting exceptions to windfarm bird deaths. Solar, except solar focusers or boilers, are a more ecologically sustainable method.

Also windfarms are costly to maintain and noisy as fuck. They are useful, but you need to be really fucking careful where they go.

Most of the wind farms around here are in very rural isolated areas, and yes there are occasional bird deaths from birds hitting a turbine blade, but you aren’t going to drive out to a tower and find a big stinking pile of dead birds under it.

Rural areas, like where eagle prey on field rodents. It’s not a pile, but across a farm a fucking significant number of endangered birds.

I’m not happy about it man, I want renewable energy and to save the species who are failing because of us and not bad evolutionary choices.

All I am saying is it’s not the godsend solution we are hoping for.

Same with solar collectors, birds fly into the stream, catch fire and burn to death on the way down. We need to be able to see the whole picture if we are going to make smart choices.

The History of “Economics and Society” is the history of human energy utilization. fire to wind to steam etc

Its an interesting topic, It sadly is just like most sciences where people want free lunches and impossible demands.

Runoff from coal mines kills a lot more - poison rivers and streams etc

but then there’s this.

I never said coal was better.

I grew up in the coal region - Lovely area

I had to tend the coal furnace in the house and a bucket a day for hot water
a little coal stove for hot water - great times

Woe be it to me if the furnace fire went out

Windmill farms are frikin ugly…period. They are an abomination.

I hope they never put one in a strip mine - totally fuck up the scenery it would