8 Ebola aid workers kilt

Why in the fuck would you go there?

What year are these people living in?


Yeah I don’t get it either. Just cordon the place off and let it play out…

Shitty way to die!

There are people that go there to help with the epidemic. Usually they are doctors, nurses, social workers and people in the public health field.

It probably doesn’t help that Big Pharma has been going over there for years and doing human testing with all their freaky drugs.

It doesn’t help what?

Do you know anything about how ebola is transmitted from vector to humans?

It doesn’t help them trust outsiders when they’ve been going there for years to use them as human guinea pigs to test various medications that have nothing to do with Ebola…

People “there” in the great big continent fuck young virgin girls when they have HIV thinking the girl’s purity will cure them of HIV and AIDS.

People that are poorly educated believe a lot of very fucked up things. Evil pharmaceuticals notwithstanding.

It isn’t just about believing bullshit, big pharma is going over there and experimenting on them.

Clinical interventions and community health interventions are different.

These workers aren’t there to test drugs.

No shit but that’s probably how the people see them.

They think it’s the doctors/outsiders that bring the disease. They don’t seem to understand the disease brings the doctors.

I don’t think doctors and other emergency personnel should risk their lives this way in order to save them.

I would say, stay out and let them go through the waves of disease and maybe they’ll calm the hell down.

Maybe other doctors have been bringing diseases to test drugs to treat the diseases on them in some of these unethical big pharma human experimentation programs they’ve been running over there?

Anything is possible. I don’t think it’s probable. I hate to think that any doctor or health care worker intentionally infects others. A lot of the references I saw in your Wiki article points the finger to monstrous and racist regimes or organizations in Africa.

Ebola virus is contracted by eating an infected animal. With hunger being what it is in some places in Africa, I can understand how they’d get infected. Unfortunately, once a person is infected with ebola it is also transmissible from person to person contact.

Yeah that would never happen, the doctors and drug companies are all nice ethical people.

I didn’t say that, Billdo.

I don’t believe most people involved in health are evil. You can believe that if you want, it’s your life.

Did I say “most” anywhere? Link? I think most are probably just dimwitted lackeys. Here’s your flu shot granny, that’ll fix ya. :slight_smile:

Most people that have died in regards to flu have died from the fucking flu, you moron.

Why so mad bro? :stuck_out_tongue:

I get irritated by ignorance. I really do.