Another Amazing Bobcat Sighting Very Close Up

This will probably be a once in a lifetime encounter, and I want to tell you about it before you all run off to watch the thrilling return of Twin Peaks.
So there I was, in a very favorite place, the same favorite place where I had seen my only Cougar and Bobcat. I had taken a fairly uneventful hike around the ridge ponds (had a nice Rose Breasted Grosbeak toward the end) and I’m heading back to my vehicle on a wide section of trail still in view of the smaller pond and not 300 feet from the winter Bobcat sighting when what does my wondering eye see but a strange sight
A female wood duck flying straight down the trail at about 10 feet and right past me WHOA! Odd place for a wood duck to fly, zip it goes by and as I turn to see it disappear into the wood I hear the soft gallop of a smallish animal. Turning back, I see running directly toward me what appears to be a very large exotic looking cat (bigger than a domestic). Just beautiful in tawny spotty stripey coat. Looks like a teenager animal not making top speed but definitely watching the duck and having been pursuing it perhaps w/o the hope of making a catch at that point. So intent was it that it did not become aware of me until 30 feet away then veered to its left and slowed to a stop still in plain sight, looking back at me then easing off into the trees.
God I love that place. I wish I could live there.


Loved him in Star wars, get well soon Bobby!