Artsy Fartsy

Needz moar happy liddle treez.


I myself am a work of art, though some here just say a piece of work.

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Iā€™m terrible at trees. Maybe itā€™s time for a little Bob Ross love.

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So the painting of the mountain (in reply link) sold and has gone to its new home.

I actually feel sad that itā€™s gone. I really wasnā€™t expecting to feel an attachment to a piece.


Iā€™d think youā€™d feel attachments to all of them.

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No. Some are total crap. Itā€™s like feeling sentiment towards a worksheet or some notes you took about art.

That piece turned out so well for me and I already loved the original so itā€™s a bit hard to let it go. I liked having it hanging in my house.


Well, itā€™s an artistā€™s prerogative (unless itā€™s a commission) just to say Fukk off, itā€™s not for saleā€¦eat yer heart out.

My brother is an artist, heā€™ll give a piece away once in awhile but he doesnā€™t usually sell his paintings or drawingsā€¦ he has tons of stuff, this is like a very small fraction of all the shit he has done. Heā€™s at it every day. He does some painting too but Iā€™m not seeing much of it.

I think he does these with inkā€¦

I think this is ink and colored pencil, maybe some marker too.


Tile mosaic on his kitchen wall, this thing is hugeā€¦

Tattoo (in progress)


His stuff is so detailed. I can only imagine how long it takes him to complete a piece.

I have done one commission piece so far but I didnā€™t love it (it was basically textured plaster on canvas in white only). I give away most of my work or make pieces specifically for people.

The first one is mostly ink stippling which is done dot by dotā€¦ he has a bunch of thoseā€¦ like over 20 poster sized pieces.

The tattoo Iā€™d guess he has 8-12 hours into.

Found some more photos, hereā€™s a couple paintings, I think theyā€™re both done with acrylic paints. .


Those are spectacular! The detail is unbelievable.