Cops producer gets killed by cops while filming armed robbery for tv show



Canā€™t post it say to be more descriptive, OK, LOL!!!

Iā€™m actually surprised it took so long for someone to get killed. The whole concept of filming this shit is a bad idea to begin with. I also notice that the pigs act all tough and shit when they know the cameraā€™s rolling.

Cops kill people because they have too.

So I guess we know who the bad guy was.

Audio technician? Hereā€™s what he caught on tape:

ā€œPO BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM LICE FREEZE!! UGH OH WHAT THE FUCK? Iā€™m hit. You shot me! Iā€™m hit. Ya got me Jimmy, ya got me. Iā€™ma going fast. Tell maw I love her and to feed the cat. Tell Lucy I love her and and and uuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhā€ death rattle

Cops are idiots. Plain and simple.

I think all the ā€œarmed robberā€ had was an airsoft gun too.

He could put an eye out.

COPS used to be my favourite show as a kid. I learned a lot of the Truth about blacks from that show. I canā€™t believe itā€™s still on.

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The producerā€™s last words were chilling:

My fucking balls!!!

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Cops are douchebags.

They kept telling the dude not to wear a wife-beater while working.