Culinary Lulz

TGIF, It’s Rib Eye Steak Night!



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Friend of mine meets a vegan.

On sale now at Safeway: Went to pick up groceries yesterday and it was primarily an all-meat run, since that’s what I was mostly out of.

I prefer bison to beef, but it’s expensive so I buy it mostly on sale. I bought a lot yesterday and my cashier noticed and approved. The cashier volunteered enthusiastically that she too, and her boyfriend had switched over to bison also, “because it’s plant based and we’re going Vegan.”

I was clearly expected to say something, but I was still locked in my head around her statement, so I deadpanned finally, that yes, they only eat plants, so I guess you’re right that it’s plant based meat.

“Yeah, not like cows,” she said. “We’re trying to get the rest of our family to go Vegan because they can’t tell the difference either.”

I didn’t say another effing word after that. Trembled the entire time she bagged my groceries, didn’t make eye contact, but did NOT laugh at her or correct her, or even let myself laugh until I was safely back by my truck. But oh dear god, what world has this poor ignant child lived in where she and her significant other are rocking the Vegan lifestyle scarfing down bison burgers because bison are vegetables?



She was so happy it brought tears to her eyes.

Divorces have happened for less.

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rocky mountain oysters


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“Now isn’t that a fun little repast?” Robert Ross

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Posted for a friend no hate mail, plz.

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