Democrat politicians hate the will of The People

It’s hard to admit it when one is wrong I imagine:

Carbon tax makes perfect sense

No it doesn’t.

Oregon citizens have voted down a sales tax countless times, and there are people trying to gin up the energy to make yet one more run at a sales tax. That’s sort of how these things go. Welcome to Politics.

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Ya know what - if you think it’s better to have wars for fucking oil instead of developing clean energy then I must be wrong

The tax helps get us the fuck off dirty energy including natural gas

enjoy yer war

I hope Bromo is working on his Spanish, for when President Barron Trump decides to invade Venezuela and Brazil.

What did I mention about war? You don’t need to tax people to have innovation snd cleaner energies… anyone who thinks you NEED a tax is a thief.

You’re a soldier, war and taxes are how you get paid. Don’t be so dense, even I believe you’re smarter than that.

You’re a generous soul.

The topic is carbon taxes here. Also known as theft based on “good ideas”.

You think working to minimize our dependence of fossil fuels via the internal combustion engine, is a bad idea? The market will do that eventually, like Nat Gas is doing to Coal for example. A
Carbon Tax just helps accelerate our shift from that dependence.

Boro has a hankering for the days the air was so foul birds could not fly - fer real - that ain’t made up

If you feel the need to donate all your money to it then so be it. :man_shrugging:

Yet an idjit. You can be against coal and such and against a carbon tax, too.

It’s a user fee, just like the gas taxes we all pay. Don’t want to pay it, don’t use it.

See how much that money is worth when you cannot breathe

The Ozone layer that had been rapidly deteriorating is now “rebuilding” itself since we banned chlorofluorocarbons several years ago. Mankind can impact the environment, and sometimes undo the damage we have done.

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How much taxes was needed to ban that?

So you believe in staking taxes? If they all go to the same thing? Why not increase the tax or realise theres more cars on the road every year so more people will consume gas every year?