Does Ned Live?

People of the time recognized all the astonishing new benefits the Industrial Revolution conferred, but they also worried, as Carlyle put it in 1829, that technology was causing a “mighty change” in their “modes of thought and feeling. Men are grown mechanical in head and in heart, as well as in hand.”

I would only get rid of electricity

Funny. lol but then how would you indulge your favorite addictions? O and btw electricity is natural you know.

I want the talking wires to go away

no electric = no talking wires

No BigDuke of the Internet. Would you even exist? Well would you? lol

If yer great great great great great great Grandmother did not get screwed at that exact micro trillionth of a second to get that one sperm outa 6 billion you would not be here

I think about this a lot

all our ancestors had to get that one sperm to end op making us - someone did the odds and they are high

But BigDuke. What if it is all preordained and it takes electricity to effect ? What then? lol

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Are the sports books in Vegas in on this action?

Ned Ludd

Neil Budde

Prolly coincidence

Preord is CC nonsense - there is no ceiling cat

Which you? Because of the effects of quantum mechanics you are not the same person that you were even a nanosecond ago.

Get the fuck back in yer quantum tent

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There is some deep thinking exhibited on this thread.

Personally, I think if there was no electricity, all the trolls would go back to lurking under bridges.