Duchess has been diagnosed with kidney failure

She’s 19.75 years old. Right now she’s sleeping in her snugbox. An hour ago I gave her 100 ml subcutaneous fluid. She pooped earlier when I went to the store to get a few things for her. About to make dinner for her and Fritz. I’m trying to clean up her diet, cause everything I’ve read says that’s critical. But of course, being a cat, she’s not really interested in cooperating.

I’m going to have to get more info from her vet. I need to know the type of kidney failure, and what stage. I’m trusting that D will let me know when she’s had enough. But for now I think she’s just really tired and needs to rest.

P.S. I just finished feeding D. She’s obviously, to me, feeling better as she tried to get out of eating. She even faked needing to go potty. Got a couple of glares from her too. Now she’s back to sleeping.


I’m sorry that Duchess is so sick. I hope you two get to spend some time just cuddling until she decides it’s time to go.

Our family kitty of about 16 years died about 3 years ago, we were all so terribly sad too.