Easy to pick on a bunch of kids

What do you propose? Not allowing multinational corporations?

Perhaps a huge tax upon renouncing US corporate status.

Or maybe we could make the business environment more friendly.

It’s not like these people are picking up stakes and heading to Nepal.

They’re going to the UK and Switzerland… because the taxes are lower. What’s that about?

It’s about places that we subsidize with our military and even our healthcare dollars.

It costs a lot of money to be the world’s police.

The US has a backwards tax system. All the socialist countries we are so desperate to emulate do not have the tax on foreign profits we do. That’s one reason their corporations foreign incomes get repatriated home.

As you intimate often, we can’t do it all.

We can’t be top dog and spend so much on the military and also not tax business, individuals and families…we just can’t.

The good news is, the Tea Baggers just passed a tax cut on the rich and raised taxes on the poor, yay for Tea baggers!

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It’s funny how Obama and the Progs have suddenly become such strong believers in secure borders.


Say what?

They don’t want the corporations to leave. :slight_smile:

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