Everyone talks about the weather, but nobody ever does anything about it

You know the drill, if it gets super strong, basements, support beams, bathtubs, go bag and gtfo if possible etc. If you’re anywhere on a hill at all vulnerable to slides, pay closer attention to rumbling it may be a slide…

Be Safe

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I remember one storm when my latest ex and I had that little house down the coast from here 30 miles or so, big wind storms on the west mostly come roaring out of the south, south west like this one…our little house was just below a little hilltop behind us to the south protecting us a bit from a direct hit of wind…I don’t remember the wind speed that night but it was yuge…we were cuddled together in bed early but after dark, as storms go they have sort of a rhythm peaks and lulls, or like The Pixies signature quiet, loud quiet format…this one during the peaks the LOUD it was roaring and it was shaking the house more than we’d ever felt and the noise and the vibration we both were not exactly expecting the roof to be ripped off but realizing that ‘it could happen’ and the roof sent down the hill…

Not only in hindsight but at the time I think we were both excited by the storm, it is happening we’ve done what little prep we could think of with in reason, heck that’s one of the reasons people love the coast is seeing the ocean come to life while you experince the brunt of a storm racing onshore(You call this a storm!??)…so that night was both thrilling and frightening.

I’m not in any danger, it’s just keeping tabs on my FIL’s six decades of shit. Many in my town are much worse off

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Mild spring day in the Midwest. Try living through a derecho. But do take care. However old your FILs stuff is, it’s not worth taking a hit from wind driven sheet metal.

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Looks like the worst of it has gone past you, for now

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A half hour or so ago LA out past Bakersfield was right in it’s path.

Thank you Jesus, thank you lord!

Yes, these numbers are real, ski resorts in the Lake Tahoe area
