Fuck narcon

I know another junkie bitch that pumps out kids everytime she is within 6 feet of a testicle

they saved her


The state takes the kids

Plus while the fucking ambulance is on one side of town for a junkie someone may die on the other side of town cause of no ambulance

If I take over the world the narcon makers will be dead on fucking day one along with any mother fucker whoever used it to save a junkie

I just read how great it is cause an OD death costs 30k

that just once and done - spent the 30k I say

They shoulda called it narcoff

you know

narcon, narcoff

always look eye.


There shud have been discussion about this

Why do I bother?

Fucking junkies are running the show

I did every known drug that you do not inject

who the fuck would do that? srsly - stick a needle in a vein - how fucked up is that

kill them all

Right, because all the other ways of putting shit into your body are much more acceptable.


I hung with crazy mother fuckers fer years and not one of them did heroin - except fer snorting it


But I agree, in certain circumstances. Narcan should be used on accidental ODs, IE kids getting into their parents narcotics, someone who is prescribed those pain killers and so forth… not a junkie. Let the junkies die.

I rode on a train once… :slight_smile: