How low can you go?

And it was a LEFTARD government victory!!!

Jesus wept…

The liberal party isn’t “leftard”?


In that peculair tendency that political parties have of using nomenclature that generally means the exact opposite of what they stand for (think the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea), the “Liberal” Party of Australia is conservative. The “Labor” party is leftist (their misspelling, not mine).

The Greens are actually Reds. “Family First” is actually the religious zealots, and “One Nation” is the far right.

The number of votes count per riding. The candidate with the most votes, win. The winning party determines the leadership. The leadership is determined by the party, not the electorate.

The current system disenfranchises voters in large urban states.

Which, in case you missed it, is where the vast majority of Americans live.

That’s the typical CON argument in the USA. It’s OK to disenfranchise the majority, because the minority shouldn’t feel ignored. Fecking snowflakes!

You’re an idiot.

That would mean that your government would be elected by one or two populous States, and smaller States and communities will never get a say on how they are governed.

You set yourself at odds with almost every other democracy on the planet, who ensure that all electorates, large and small, have equal voice.

It also ensures that candidates are elected based on a broad spectrum of voters, not just whackjob leftard centres, like California in the US, or Victoria here in Australia.

And I guarantee you this. If Clinton had won with a minority vote, you wouldn’t say a fucking word.

Like all leftards, you’re a vision in hypocrisy and intolerance.

Knowing lefties like I do, they’d be rubbing that victory in the loser Trump’s face every day.

Yeah, no one knows how stuff works but you - I without a fucking doubt know more about the why and how of the college in the USA then you ever will, and way before this election. And I would guess most others here do also.

Please just go fuck yourself

sanctimonious bitch that you are

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I see that Aussie contards have the same problems handling simple arithmetic as do American contards.

I guess being right equates to sanctimony in your eyes.

Would you care to address the issue rather than run your mouth at someone who gives no fucks for your moronic abuse.

I did address the issue - you said we know nothing of the how or why of the college - I said I know the how and why and have know way before trump and that you are a sanctimonious bitch.

And you are a deluded, bucket mouthed leftard. And you smell of poo.

YOU said [quote=“Bigdukesix, post:7, topic:20955”]
He lost the popular vote - try to keep up
[/quote]. What were you implying? That he wasn’t elected according to law?

You fucking clowns keep banging the same drum, knowing full well that if the reverse had occurred your mouths would be shut tighter than a bankers wallet on that issue.

Its hard not to believe that hypocrisy isn’t one of the few things America HAS invented.

It’s pretty simple, Stool Swallower. He was elected by a MINORITY of the populace, and a MINORITY of the populace approves of his job performance. The op is about his high disapproval rating, and you said, and I quote:

Answer: The MINORITY voted him in. The MAJORITY did not vote for him AND disapproves of him.

Odd. I thought he won the commensurate number of “seats” as required by your hallowed and revered Consitution.

As I’ve highlighted MANY times, in most if not all Western democracies, it is the number of “seats” that carries the day, not the number of votes. Like it or not, it’s how the electoral process levels the playing field.

My op was not about how the vote works. It was about his approval ratings. And, again, you asked:

"Then why did they vote for him?

The answer: Most of them didn’t.


Let’s try this again, seeing as how your pedantic glands are working overtime.

Why did those that voted for him, vote for him?

There…that better?

You’d have to ask them. I think it’s because they’re witless fools, but they might have some other excuse.

So…there are at least 62,979,636 witless fools in America?

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If there were no electoral college TRUMP would have changed his strategy and won that way. as it is he spent no time campaiging in NY and CA. He won the states in which he campaigned…if the rules of the game had been different he would have played by those rules.,

Let’s not forget he won at least 2 of 3 debates handily.