I am holding a mandatory home invasion drill that Starling should learn from

But Lotus, our freedom!

I know. Those guns are the price of our freedom. Or, you can’t be free unless you have a gun in your cold, dead hand. Or something.


You are right about one thing - the situation is worse - FOR THEM

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Like I said, keep saying and will always say… fukk the stats. I don’t live my life according to statistics. I feel a hell of a lot safer and sleep better at night with Ole Slim loaded, cocked and within arms reach. I don’t care if there is a 1 in 10 billion chance of me ever needing him. If lightning strikes, I’ll be ready.


The country would be a better place if every home invader were dead.

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It would. And it would be an even better place if every corporate whore were dead. There would probably be fewer people looking to invade homes if those white collar criminals were gone.

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Like I said, you’re paranoid. You live in fear.

Not at all. What is there to fear? If someone busts in I’m good. I’ve found that covering all of one’s bases lends to a much calmer existance.

Do you have a security system/camera?


Now that’s smart.

That’s sort of a different issue. And I thought your side was anti-death penalty anyway…

How is it a different issue? Our fucked up system creates violence. And, “my side”? Which side is that?

Seems to me you’d know (without a big explanation) that home invasions are not typically perpetrated by “corporate whores” and by introducing “corporate whores” as the cause and culprit of home invasions you have a large number of dots to connect for the people who’ve already made thirty or so poasts discussing that original topic.

“our fucked up system creates violence” is a bit slapdash, you gotta admit. Especially when “corporate whores” are only part of the “fucked up” part.

I never suggested that corporate whores perpetrated home invasions. Sheeeeeesh.

Poast #33, my dear.

I’m not gonna count posts to try to see how you parsed my post to make it one with which you could quibble.

All pieces of the puzzle make the picture and I have no doubt you possess the mental capacity to make said connection.