I can watch this and tell you if Hills is doing good or not

It’s over - not the debate - the election - she will only grow stronger and he weaker

This is beyond a prize fight and into the “execution” phase.

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My son’s best friend who seems to be a Prog…posted n FB a while ago, that he thinks Trump is cleaning the floor with Hillary, I wish I could respond (I’m still in FB jail) I’d like to know what debate he’s watching.

He probably is completely cleaning the floor with her in TrumpLand.

That’s what Ben’s comment made me think, like I said all his posts relative to politics are lib posts, so if he think’s Trump is winning, I’m sure Trumps mouth breathers do too.

Howard Dean, as far as I know, was first to suggest COCAINE ABUSE. Which I suspect is the correct answer.

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That thought crossed my mind, when I heard the sniffing and the extra nasal quality of his voice tonight, I wondered if the old habitue of Studio 54 decided a little pick me would give him the edge

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Is that why I had the sniffles back in the day?

Could be

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I used to get the sniffles and the urge to take a dump, just knowing I was about to score some blow.

I used to do it fer real

It sure helps if yer an introvert I could tell ya that

No, he’s right. Every poll I’ve seen has Trump winning the debate handily. Clinton is blowing the election. Roose nailed it.

Man, I didn’t think so, The Donald I saw, was just a blustering buffoon, very little specifics, just his typical run on superlatives

Trump completely underestimated Hillary because he has no respect for women and she clocked him. While the debate was going on I started watching something and it was astonishing:

Betfair numbers and bet lines changed profoundly. Everyone ran to Nate Silver to see if this was a real thing with bet lines and he said it was on the up:

Hillary +5.4
Trump -3.1
These are people who make money to make money and don’t give a shit WHO is president, but that they make money. They saw what everyone else saw. James Carville said Chris Christie told him Trump was bad but he can’t be that bad twice.

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He only won if you think the person who hurled the most insults and did the most bragging won. He’s a fucking moron.

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Just watched it…teh PIAPS was boring and annoying as usual. TRUMP wasn’t great though, but he may be waiting for the next one. In any case he wins the tie since the PIAPS gave TRUMP voaters no compelling argument to voat for her. She obviously hates them.

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TRUMP is just toying with her… having a few laughs. The gloves come off next debate. It’s all part of his plan. He’s got a few secret weapons that he’s keeping in the bag. When he finally pulls them out… look out. The election will be over.

A Yale Debate Club kiddo opines on teh debate


I believe Christie is either whistling past the graveyard or putting up the boldest front he can.

And yes, Trump can be that bad twice, or thrice, or as often as he appears in public: last night was pure Trump.

I thot you was gona quit trollin

I was gona say what Whitchy said, but Whitchy said -

online betting sez hills won