If she weren't my daughter, I'd probably

OMG. I guess you’re going to argue that wasn’t a direct insult because you didn’t actually accuse me of being a hypocrite. You did accuse me of having a tantrumming meltdown, as if you yourself didn’t have one.

Pot/kettle, my dear. 1000%.

Giiirrrrrls! :angry:

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And yet, crickets.

I didn’t have a tantrumming meltdown but it is clear that you want to pick fights with me over what some banned bitch said you ages ago.

Get a grip. Please.

It was a QUESTION and it wasn’t directed to you.



Honestly, you have reading comprehension issues.

I think it’s time, girls…


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I’ll take that under advisement.

I already have my clothes off.

I hope Trump isn’t lurking,

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We need some pics, girl

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Shit! Along with great tits I also got a batch of morals. Stupid Jesus.


Ordinary morals are for ordinary peoples… ~A.C.


I’m a married man

Don’t this things cancel each other out?

like when you sum negatives and get a positive?

Unfortunately morals don’t follow the same rules as integers.

WTF you’re a huge fan of crazy new ideas

Morals: nature’s way of preventing STDs.

Men using all sorts of lines to get tit pics is nothing new :wink:

yeah, well, you can’t blame one for wanting fliers to go with your radio advertising