Iranians protesting their shitty leaders

Paid for by the good ol USA

Google: Kermit Roosevelt, Iran, coup, 1953

Tool city knows what folks are protesting half a world away cause fox sez so

It’s worse then I thot actually

NBC is Fox? You’re legitimately stupid as fuck.

There’s videos of chanting and so forth.

The protests are orchestrated by us

you silly tool

Iranian protestors shot with live ammunition

Kent state

I could list 100 that the police kicked the shit out of protesters

pot kettle black bitch

And why the fuck did I watch assholes at Carson practicing riot control for fucking hours on end

you are suck a fucking tool

The literal fact that you believe Iran is fine with killing civilians makes you an incompetent piece of shit. You’re a traitor. You’re a terrorist cuck. You’re xenophobic. You’re racist. You’re anti-gay.

This isn’t police shooting civilians with rubber bullets, like which happened at our border or even Iraqi Embassy (military though), but with real ammunition. If you can’t understand that Iran kills civilians with no regard to literally anything humane, I hope you die soon. You’re not worthy to live if your mentality is of one so inhumane.

Where did I say that?

4 million dead in Iraq and nearby and you don’t say a fucking word


Well you don’t condemn Iran for shooting down a civilian aircraft or shooting protestors.


Also, you ignorant piece of shit, it’d behoove you to realize terrorists don’t deserve to live. Nor do their supporters… and you support a terrorist country.

Trump is responsible for the plane

this guy sez it much better then me - even a fucking tool like you shud see it

In a series of scathing tweets, CEO Michael McCain wrote that he was “very angry” at Trump and blamed him for the deaths of dozens of Canadian citizens, including the family of an employee of his company, in the jet crash that Iran’s government says was unintentionally caused by its defensive weaponry.

“I’m Michael McCain, CEO of Maple Leaf Foods, and these are personal reflections. I am very angry, and time isn’t making me less angry,” he tweeted.

“A narcissist in Washington tears world accomplishments apart; destabilizes region. US now unwelcomed everywhere in the area including Iraq; tensions escalated to feverish pitch. Taking out despicable military leader terrorist? There are a hundred like him, standing next in line,” he continued.

“The collateral damage of this irresponsible, dangerous, ill-conceived behavior? 63 Canadians needlessly lost their lives in the crossfire, including the family of one of my MLF colleagues (his wife + 11 year old son)!” McCain tweeted.

“We are mourning and I am livid,” he concluded.

You gotta remember, Six… Boro has a simple mind and needs things in black and white. Just because Sulemani was a bad dude and needed killing, therefore any hamfisted approach is therefore correct and wise and justified and finding elegant solutions is not important.

Boro thinks the fucking ayatollah personally shot the plane down and not some over
zealous grunt

trump did it as a distraction - the CEO is right - and 106 people are waiting to take the kilt guys place - some prob more dangerous then him.

I heard today that the authorization to take out Sulemani was made 7 months ago. Plenty of time to inform the Gang of 8 and way too much time for an imminent threat. Boro’s favorite CinC does not care for the Constitutional checks and balances (well, neither do the RFCs in Congress either)

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He shud get on a jet to Iran

A tactical genius like him could organize the mobs into a top notch fighting group and he could lead a real revolt - maybe be the next pres of Iran

Imagine being so one-track minded that you think Trump is responsible for Iran’s incompetence.

Tehran University.

I have a correction, I am now being told this was in Sunny California.

Obviously a wrongful situation, but those people don’t have bullets in them and is thus an apples to oranges comparison.

Try again.