Judge in Deutschebank/Epstein case: son killed, husband wounded, assailant "commits suicide" soon after

No one is going to allow the banned ones back in. Billdo can’t stand racists. It’s not happening.

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…and yet you are here.
Maybe Mr Cool Proglodyte only accepts really hip
happening racists.


Sure, I’m the racist…lololol

You need new material.

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Nobody said Hollifuck was a man of his word, except himself, and we see the value of THAT.


Now um, do you think a yearly visit consists of no more than one post on a single day?
When you visit, or when you receive a visitor, does the visitor walk in the door, speak a single sentence and leave?
Would that not be silly?
a visit might take one day or portion thereof, or
maybe a couple days or a week or more.

Be grateful I stop by at all, and quit with the whining.
Others would not be as kind considering…