Libs! gtfo!

Go f*ck yourselves! You aren’t at all tolerant.

My bf is looking for a place to live. He was specifically asked by one couple what his politics were. They were “progressive”.

He hasn’t heard back from them. Interesting, their type would be the first to go out and protest if conservative did this to them.


He should have said I’m apolitical.

Although he can probably run them up for discrimination.

He just said “conservatives aren’t a protected class” in a text to me.

He’s painfully honest, doesn’t play games with people. Total straight shooter, that’s why we get along really super well.

Even if I was a die hard Liberal, I would be more apt to rent to a Conservative.

I hate hypocrisy. I really do.

I run into this shit over at Raw all the time. Some Prog will spout off a deeply held principle. Then when you point out the hypocrisy when not applying it to a Con, they flip out.

I know LIBS can be completely insane. There is a real reason I didn’t respect a former member.

HYPOCRITE to the maximum.

And yet BigDog says I’m the straightest shooter on the board.

One must testify.

I respect dawg in many ways. But he doesn’t know everything.