Muzzies don't like yer satire

Yeah right LR1, I click on that link and the next thing I know I’m getting all beheaded and shit!

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Imagine what is gona happen when the muzzies run into white redneck trailer trash

It should be on fucking PPV

I tried to put it up with the picture thing but I couldn’t get it to work. I did put a backward slash on the end of it and that was how I got the link to post.


Thanks Obama

Author Salman Rushdie — who had a fatwa placed on his head after publishing The Satanic Verses in 1988 — made a statement today about the attack on the Paris office of Charlie Hebdo that left 12 people dead.

On Twitter, he wrote:

Here’s my brief statement about the awful events in Paris. Vive Charlie Hebdo!

— Salman Rushdie (@SalmanRushdie) January 7, 2015
In the linked statement, Rushdie said that “[r]eligion, a medieval form of unreason, when combined with modern weaponry becomes a real threat to our freedoms.”

“This religious totalitarianism has caused a deadly mutation in the heart of Islam and we see the tragic consequences in Paris today,” he continued.

“I stand with Charlie Hebdo, as we all must, to defend the art of satire, which has always been a force for liberty and against tyranny, dishonesty and stupidity.”

“‘Respect for religion’” has become a code phrase meaning “‘fear of religion,’” Rushdie concluded. “Religions, like all other ideas, deserve criticism, satire, and, yes, our fearless disrespect.”

Muzzies suck it. All Cons suck it but muzzies a even special among Cons. I think global extermination of the species is an option to consider. Monotheism is a disease. We need a war on monotheism.

Good thing France has strict gin control laws, otherwise a bunch of people could have been shot.

Lack of education, poverty, and fear. We can keep screaming about killing all the Muslims, or we can insist that the Corporate Warlords start paying people worldwide a living wage, and invest in education for everyone.

The problem is that some Muslims, who are popular among the masses in different Muslim countries, are actually killing people that they consider enemies.

I think that this problem is both social and religious in nature.

Of course it is. And those things are both affected by poverty and lack of education, in a big way.

I don’t think that being educated necessarily eliminates religious fanaticism.

Bingo. Think Bin Laden.

…or secular fanaticism. Think Hitler.

I was. Or the support the other Saudi elites give to questionable groups.
Some of them fund terrorist activities.

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Sure, there are megalomaniacs in so many of these movements.

Ever notice, though, that it’s always a man that’s a mass murderer?

Just sayin’

No. I never noticed.

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Some people just want to watch the world burn. If they got people to stop drawing cartoons then they’d demand something else. There is no endgame with religious fanatics of any religion.