Nixon obituary by Hunter Thompson

I had occasion to re-read this today, 23 years and sever weeks after the fact. I’ve always thought Thompson was one of the best flamers ever to walk the earth, and even late in the game he was still awesome.

I’m re-posting it especially for @RooseBolton.

The more things change etc etc


Lots of pwnage there, to be sure. But I think the American Dream never existed in the first place. And it is strange that such a prolific user of illegal drugs gets so upset about laws being broken, isn’t it?

Well, remember it’s HST. I said he was a good flamer, but nobody ever said he was a good logical thinker.

Although I also loved his platform when he ran for sheriff of Aspen County. He was on point about many things, even though his proposals were kind of crazy.

He would have appreciated TRUMP.