Normus - just got this from - they caught someone using an engine agin me

We have detected that one or more of your recent opponents has violated our Fair Play Policy. As compensation for potentially unfair rating losses, we adjusted your following ratings:

Daily: 1314 + 19 => 1333


wut is injun, is it like a bot feeding you the best moves?

This list of engines is not closed and you can add other ones with the only limitation that they use the UCI protocol.

Best engine ----->

So for us guys still using IBM selectrics, does tose engines you just sent me, can you plug that into Chess.Com and let it play for you, or at least give you rt tips?

You just copy and paste the position into lucas and ask

Takes about 5 seconds to do that and then how long you want it to think - from `10 seconds to hours - I use it to go back and look what I shuda did after my losses sometimes

Why fucking play if yer gona cheat

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for me at just a quick glance that looked like a site a guy might goto for a jumpstart back into a game I played only very casually in my yute, not that many years ago.

Stockfish will lay waste to most anyone if not all

3453 rating

kasprov plays 2800

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