Oh Nos

Like this was known in fucking 1903 when we had electric cars and trucks

A non story by AAA who will kill you to save 5 dollars

Why the fuck did you even post this???

Oh, now I get it

Part of yer hating EV theme - you fuckers would still be working on the wheel and fire


It has been known but think about how solar and batteries play out in different parts of the country.

Historical facts

Baghdad battery June 7, 1549 — 9AM

9AM Abdul - I invented the battery
2PM Abdul - wow it got colder out and the voltage dropped

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LOL, only acolytes didn’t see this coming. For all the grief the Chevrolet Volt took, it was a great car quality-wise and melded the right electric/gas balance

The L_R’s of the whirl would rather pump gas twice a week then take 4 seconds to plug it in at home

wot they hate is the it does not contribute to war or pollution and science is involved

They shuda named the vold - POLLUTION MAKER and cons would have brought every one made

My Cousin the car nut and his wife bought one last year she loves it. Especially when she can do a weeks shopping and not use a drop of gas.

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