Smokers live longer than lard-asses

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My Grandpa “chewed” Copenhagen for 60 years, he quit after Grandma had nagged him for 60 years, and sadly he died within a year.

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You’re very aggressive about this. It really makes me wonder how you handle it in your personal life.

I bet people who don’t smoke and aren’t lard asses live even longer.

Why can’t people just live their life and die? Why are people obsessed with a “long” life span being some sign of achievement?

Oh. I am sorry. i did not realize this thread was about people who consider long life a sign of achievement. Thanks for setting me straight.

Then why did you join in the pissing contest regarding it?

That’s not what it’s about. What is wrong with you?

I’ve used Skoal for almost 40 years now. Not a heavy user like some, but I enjoy it.