Someone in my hood

Just must have got a new AR-15

good that sound will keep the animals away

fucker is out a lot of money fer ammo - I can tell ya that

been going on half the morning

What a wonderful way to enjoy Sunday.

Sounds like a lot of fun :slight_smile:

It was in the distance - and ya cud only hear it outside

I meant for them. So peaceful.

Noise, I hate noise

shooting used to be cheap when I did it - no more

they just blew off another 100 or more

I am not a big fan of noise either. What is it with some people and loud cars, motorcyles, loud music in their cars?

A special torture camp for these people. Maybe music from music boxes playing nonstop for a year.

I don’t get it either

I go to this get together where they got a nice big fire and instead of listening to the cracking they play shit music and too loud fer me

Fucking harleys go down the road with music blasting - WTF?

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The only thing I like loud is some Dylan stuff


crackling fires
babbling brooks
murmuring creeks
crunchy fall leaves
crashing waves
a distant fog horn
tolling bells

Yeah, loud music is okay, but inside. Not outside to drown out interesting sounds.

With vehicles for me, it’s the soun… Not because it’s loud. I like the tone, depth, etc. Driving a quiet car is boring and at times has resulted in me over cranking the starter due to not noticing the vehicle is on and other such things.

In Europe, suppressors are encouraged to help drown out noise pollution from weapons… But here, they’re illegal unless you go through hoops.

Once can enjoy such things, and also enjoy the pitter patter of the rain (as I’m doing now)

Not everyone enjoys the loud noise. It’s certainly selfish to annoy others with what is completely unnecessary.

I enjoy hearing aircraft, cars and gun fire etc. Obviously to some extent, when I’m not sleeping.

In the Roselawn neighborhood of Chicago, AR15 fire is just part of the usual background