Wait, what? MR Potato Head aka "Trey Gowdy" uses his own Private Email Server?

See? You NEVER stop, you fucking bitch.

Irony and sich.

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She’s always bitching at me asshole.

Even when I don’t respond…but you’re so far up her ass, you can’t see straight.

I see.

Really? Wow, thanks for clarifying that for me.

You’re most welcome. Anytime, boozer.

Boozer, WTF? (I was going to call you a taco bender, but I knew that would just send you off on your white privilege racist screed you’ve been trying to sell the last couple weeks, so I won’t)

Yeah, taco bender is cool stuff, bro

I know you think that offends me, it doesn’t. It just shows that you’re willing to be bigoted to “win”.

You show me.

Your off the wall thing about “boozer” was just so out of left field, why don’t you call me a commie or a bank robber or something while you’re at it?

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You sound very defensive.

What a coincidence, you sound very boring.

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Most boozers are in deep denial about their drinking problem.

It’s sad

Most adult children of abusive parents are in deep denial of their own abusive behaviors

It’s sad.

I feel sorry for you. You have no center that tells you what’s a moral thing to do and what’s immoral.

You are abusive. Plain and simple. And you rationalize your behavior endlessly, then pass moral judgment on OTHER people for things you only believe they do. It’s despicable.

No, YOU are.

I don’t talk about others’ childhoods, you’re SICK.

The irony is that if my childhood made me “abusive”…WTF happened to you?

How could anyone carry so MUCH hate that they’ll mess with someone else’s traumatic past?

You cherry pick the things that you think are permissible. You cross the line almost every time you post.

Cross what “lie”, teacher?

When have I ever talked about any facts related to anyone’s actual life?

What? Are you fucking serious?

Yes. I haven’t talked about anyone’s childhood, any trauma they’ve experienced…any things I know about their lives.