You think this is a game?

No, it’s just a quick and easy flow chart to help you decide what game to play, when you want to play a game, but don’t know which one. Clickerbiggermachen rules in play.

They spelled Trivia Pursuit incorrectly.

Aaah, I figured it was a ripoff!

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Som people have waaaaaay to much time on their hands

I make time for games…like Cards Against Humanity.

I shoot pigeons and call it a bored game

Back in my Toyota days, I had to make a flow chart with those things, on how we handle the cars to keep them from getting all fucked up and dented on the lot, holy fuck, I knew nothing about using those symbols and also knew this was pretty much a busy work exercise, I got it done, and it was a waste of time, I put it in a binder and it sat on my shelf, the Toyota Rep, barely glanced at it, and said, “Yeah, that’s what we wanted”

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