8 Ebola aid workers kilt

So knock yourself out. :stuck_out_tongue:

Why? Iā€™m actually educated on disease transmission and public health.

I donā€™t need voodoo dolls or voodoo videos that convince me of stupid shit.

I was showing the video posted to an organic chemistā€¦who looked at me after 20 seconds and asked ā€œDo I have to watch the rest of this stupid shit?ā€

I said, nopeā€¦I only watched the whole thing to understand the depths of ignorance that is spread about in regards to vaccines.

You obviously arenā€™t very educated about drug testing in Africa and other third world countries though now were yaā€¦

This is just breaking the last couple daysā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

The story of Dr. William Thompson has been making headlines across the internet over the past few days, even as mainstream media has completely ignored the story. Thompson is a senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and has been with the CDC since 1998.

A statement released on August 27th by Dr. Thompson in response to media coverage is that he and co-authors from a 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics did in fact omit important information from a study on the link between vaccines and autism.



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Flu, ebola, autismā€¦meh, same thing!


I was just talking about the unethical human testing going on over there and you brought up the whole vaccine thing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Whatever dude.

You treat everything like a conspiracy. I donā€™t think evil people doing evil things is a conspiracy.

Itā€™s all just fucked up. But I donā€™t take what some do and put it onto the whole field.
That doesnā€™t make sense to me.

You canā€™t look at the situation objectively because youā€™re involved in some of it on a small level :laughing:

Like the CDC whistle blower buy coming out and telling how they hid the link between vaccines and autism I still agree itā€™s better to be vaccinated for things like measles, tetanus etc. than not be, but for the flu? And then almost dying after getting a flu shot? No thanks lady.

And if you donā€™t think these drug companies and doctors are doing some fucked up testing on people and using them for guinea pigs not only in Africa but right here at home youā€™re lying to yourself. Thereā€™s a long history of it, do a little search for ā€œUnethical Human Experimentation in the United States.ā€

Go do your homework public health ladyā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

I do know about unethical testing in the public health field. You arenā€™t teaching me shit. The experiments in Tuskeegee are pounded into your head as a PH professional.

What I donā€™t do is lump everything into one jumbled big mess. I canā€™t with good conscience do that.

It isnā€™t how any of it works. You donā€™t have to trust or believe me. I have never harmed anyone, intentionally or unintentionally, in all my years of public health practice. I have also never known anyone that did so in any professional encounters over the years.

What I do know is that Iā€™ve been in some tough situations, as have my colleagues, and have busted hump and dealt with some extremely serious health issues. All of it has been done with compassion, caring, and frankly busting some ass out there in situations most none of you would doā€¦though you ā€œCAREā€.

So, donā€™t judge me for your paranoia.

Why do you act like simple truths are huge conspiracy theories, youā€™ve been one of the vaccine-autism deniers but now itā€™s coming out there is something to it and you have nothing to say about it. -P

But itā€™s a ā€œconspiracy theory.ā€ Conspiracies happen all the time, sounds like they ā€œconspiredā€ to cover it up. The government arrests people for conspiracy every day but it looks like they conspire plenty their own selves.

I donā€™t think most people set out to do bad things to people but I think a lot of ignorant people do a lot of bad things to people because theyā€™re ignorant or they canā€™t face the truth especially when going along with the lie helps pay the bills. Plus it sucks to have to admit that hey, maybe these flu shots arenā€™t a good thing when as a health care worker youā€™re probably forced to take one yourself. :smile:

Iā€™m not forced to do anything. I can opt out. I just fill out a form. No big deal.

I choose to take one and Iā€™m unfraid. But I understand the whole concept of immunizations and vaccines.

Iā€™m not commenting on the video you posted because I havenā€™t taken the time to watch it. I will do so at my convenience and my level of interest.

I have the right to exercise free choice.