Columbus Day Meme Collection

Well, the federal goobermint still calls it Columbus Day, although a growing number of cities are changing to Indigenous People’s Day or something like that.

Are we celebrating a poor navigator who got lost on the high seas 523 years ago, or do we care?


I don’t see any Progs kicking his achievement out of bed.

The holiday is two days off, friend. Perhaps if you don’t go off half-cocked, your patience might be rewarded.

So when are you leaving?

Just think if contact had not been made for a few more centuries. The whole lot of them might have been wiped out from dirty Asian diseases.

Then, sadly, Progs would not have something to pretend to give a shit about.

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Good point, Ted. I guess Crackdawg didn’t have so long to wait after all.

Of course, he’ll just dance away from his prior whimpering and seize upon a new whine…Oops, he already did.

As I’ve stated in the past, the virtuous ascend to a throne perched on a mountain of skulls.

Sitting on your well fed asses and bitching about the guy who set the chain of events in motion that provided that very opportunity is not enlightened thinking. It’s juvenile whining by the faux virtuous.

If you haven’t given away land to a native or just plain left, get the fuck over yourself.

Seriously, Crackdawg…if you’re already stated this…I doubt that your stating it again in a self-titled MEME COLLECTION thread is going to be a constructive use of your time.

That said, feel free to go empty your piss can, put it back under your computer chair, and spend the whole weekend filling it up again.

Like you would bitch if Apey continually shit on a meme of some conservative themed dig.

Stop with the double standards already, board idiot.

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None of the campuses where I teach observe Columbus Day. Students are often miffed about this. Not because they give a rat’s ass about Columbus. They just want the day off.

So do I. But what can you do?

I was always very fond of his automobiles

It’s the Muslim expansionism and control of the Silk Road in the Middle East that made it imperative for the Europeans to seek another way.

Apparently, the food tasted like shit in Europe before spices were discovered in the East

In any case, Cristobal Colon es un culero.

We also tended to boil everything.