Feminist confronts a black man who "holla"ed at her

“My boyfriend was watching this and we got in a pretty big argument about it. He wasn’t condoning street harassment however, he said that the type of men in the video that she confronts were generally minorities and thus are already marginalized. So yelling at them in public about how offensive it is that they cat-called you wasn’t really doing anybody any favors but yourself. He was saying that these men have such little input in society in general so correcting their offensive habits isn’t really useful. I hope I am explaining things correctly.
I tried not to dismiss him as not being able to understand because he’s not a woman but it was really hard for me to think about a logical response to him without getting upset. I do think he has a point but it doesn’t make me feel any better. Very confused.”


Who do you hate more, Roose? Feminists or blacks?