
Heard a part of a discussion regarding using microbes or the molecules that are helpful to the immune system to help ameliorate or even defeat the overactive immune response in Crohn’s disease. They have been able to show this in lab animals and are on the verge of starting clinical trials.

Have you ever been involved in a clinical trial?

Anyway, this show was on Science Friday on npr, I assume today’s date. Perhaps you can find it and listen to it.

You mean other than the time he tried to sue the clinic from the Jerry Springer Show?

I recommend a probiotic.

I don’t think those will hurt at all, and maybe even help.

Smoking a little pot cures Chron’s.

I recommend probiotic pot.

I recommend fair trade, Free Range ,Organic, non GMO Probiotic pot

Last that I heard was that they thought that Crohn’s was triggered by something that gets messed up in the gut bacteria, so there is something to that. Most people aren’t susceptible to it, but some of us are

I just signed up for a study where I’ll submit a DNA sample to help identify the genetic component to it.

I’ve been symptom-free for about a year and a half now (knock on wood).

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that’s fantastic…it must feel good.

are you off of steroids as well?