Happy Fourth of July!

Once a year I post my fave-O-rite 4th moment, the Ford F-150 Neighborhood Fireworks MOBILE Launch Commander 5000. Invite Jimmeh to your next neighborhood brush fire:

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That is soo beeyooteefull, it brings a tear or Patriotic pride every time I see it, USA USA USA! Murica!!!


I saw someone drive by earlier with two full sized Merican flags flyin in the wind on the back of their pickup and it made me feel so proud to be merican.

Kind of like this except he had a smaller truck, the two flags were all the way in the back and it didn’t have any side rails. lolz

Happy 4th!!!

Hey, what’s this holiday about, anyway?

It’s the celebration of when Jesus created 'Murica!


I shit you not!

Oh. Jesus created Murica? I thought it was a corporation that created it. My bad.

Well you’re right too, Jesus is a Corporation, SCOTUS said so.

Moar proof Jesus made 'Murica, Sarah said so!


Oh, yeah. That makes sense. Praise the lord, send me your money!

lol…not only did he ride alongside GW, he did so on a Velociraptor.