LIBS are ruining the NFL

First the Ray Rice thing and now that Peterson deal.

Fuck the NFL. The last time I went to a game, years ago, they were pausing for commercial breaks. I never went again.

One doesn’t watch the television, nor does one attend a football match to do the bidding of the television executive.

Oh and by the way, I blame LIBS.

The last time that I went to a game, I got thrown out.

was that the time that you took a shit off the bridge, and it sounded like a bushel of apples?

No, but that would have been cool too.

I got thrown out for throwing snowballs at a Jaguars fan. I might have had a few beers too, lol.

I thought of the apple bushel thing not too long ago, when I was driving home from my trip downeast. I took an enormous dump at a McDonalds in Bucksport. It was like huge chunks of stewmeat filling the bowl while some old timer was in the stall next to me groaning in his misery. Anyway the whole setup reminded me of that story.

I remember Whitney Houston cooked herself in a bathtub full of her own poop stew.

In Cleveland?

I thought throw-outable offenses started with throwing whiskey bottles there.

As for the OP, I don’t understand the Peterson thing. The man disciplined his children. If anything he ought to be prosecuted for bigamy.

lol. imagine the stench when they found her.

I guess they adopted a zero-tolerance policy there. Hell, I didn’t come close to hitting the guy either.

American Feminism destroyed the father-son relationship.

Here’s one for comeatmebro

Are you retarded?

The fucker’s kids may number in the teens…wtf kind of “father” is that?

You’re such a moron sometimes.

If you went to Catholic school, getting hit with a switch isn’t anything.

I don’t think it’s about getting hit vs not getting hit.

It’s about holding kids accountable. People nowadays treat their kids like they’re infallible…which is the biggest bullshit of all.

That’s what childhood is about…learning to be “human”. That’s why discipline is about teaching, right from wrong.

Nowadays parents will fight everyone to defend their “little precious ones”.

If a kid fucks up, it needs to be taught the correct/moral/proper thing to do.

I do not understand America’s love of football. Dumbest fucking sport ever. Bunch of Neanderthals play it and a bunch of money grubbing pricks run it.

You aren’t put on this Earth to get it.

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Oh, thanks. If you hadn’t said that, I would have gone to my grave thinking I was.


Though in AP’s case he hardly needed the help. One of his sprogs died before he had ever even seen his father last year.