More from the Predator Women Files

When will we, as a nation face this disgrace and DOOOO something?

They can’t do fuck all about the much more prevalent predatory behaviour of men nevermind women.

Maybe once they get a handle on rampant sexual abuse by males, they’ll deal with this.

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Someone’s mother didn’t hug them enough.

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You are really desperate, aren’t you, Doc?

It’s kind of like someone in 1830 saying, “What can be done about the national disgrace of slaves who abuse their masters?” Kind of.

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No it isn’t.

Perfect - you see, that is exactly what the French women were saying about American women…Eternal victims.
Though not in the case of miss’ Garcia and Ramsey.


I think we should stick to young female teachers behaving improperly with teens.

In both of these last two stories, I’m seeing the beginnings of a movement, viz:

If you were ever a staffer for a politician, the other party will doubtless reward you WELL for a made-up tale about that politician having made improper advances to you…be that politician (or you) man, woman, chicken, child…he or she is vulnerable right now, and you are unexpectedly a sort of Lottery Winner if your morals are low enough.

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I’m sure the poor 18 year old kid is damaged for life!

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One does have to wonder if we don’t have a “teacher problem”.

Not as outrageously as we have a cop union problem. See my last Cops post and consider adopting a new Issue.

Every issue needs a sponsor, Spoon. I will not abandon it unless, until, it finds a new champion.

Holy smokes, it’s lunch time!

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That line’s in the Bible you know…ego vox clamantis in deserto :rofl:

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PS, this is exactly why I quit modeling, it’s a rigged system and the middle aged White Anglo Saxon Protestant Male just can’t catch a break!


Speaking of which, this may be the right place to mention that my most recent blood work looks pretty good again. Glucose stubborn at 102. Not too unusual for me though. Been like that for decades.

How are your eyes, can you see better now, how many fingers am I holding up?

Is a thumb a finger? If so, one. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You peeked!

Porn too.

Some slaves did abuse their masters, you know. Some even killed them. I wonder why there was no national movement, no underground railroad to rescue abused slave owners.

Surprising there wasn’t a whole war or something.