On Abortion... Not looking for a fight

I’m pro-choice. I’m pro-choice because of the too often
horrible fate that awaits too many children who are unplanned
and unwanted. I’m pro-choice because of the children who
are abused even when they are wanted. I’m pro-choice
because the world is a cruel, vicious place that doesn’t care
that a child is unable to defend itself.

I’m pro-choice because birth control isn’t 100% effective,
100% available, and even 100% understood by those using

I’m pro-choice because today, right now, there are far too many
people in THIS country who don’t have a real understanding
on where babies come from and why.

I’m pro-choice because ignorance causes almost as many
pregnancies as alcohol/drugs.

I’m pro-choice because children still go hungry, still have no
decent home, still have no quality education, still suffer abuses,
and still have no hope for a better future.

I’m pro-choice because although I wish it wasn’t necessary, I
live in the real world, and know that it must remain an option,
available, and affordable. Just in case.

Cause I’d rather a woman have an abortion, than a child be brought
into the world only to suffer.

When the day comes that no child is unwanted, when every child
has a loving home, when their future is full of hope, when every
child is treated as the precious gift they are, then we won’t need

Until then, I’m pro-choice, cause I’m anti-suffering.

This is just my opinion. It only applies to me. My womb is the only one
under my control. But I will support every other woman in her decision
on what to do with hers. Either way.

I just needed to vent. I encountered someone today who was actually
ignorant of the depths of ignorance that exist in our country. And I think
that viewpoint is a problem. We can’t make this a better world for babies,
children, if we won’t admit how big and complicated the problem is.

But that’s also just my opinion. Like I said, I needed to vent. Sorry.


I’m with you, sister.

It’s a vile act, but it’s none of my business

less vile than a parent that sticks a baby in a microwave

or chains a child in a bathroom not feeding it

or doesn’t change their diapers for 10 days and maggots grow in it

or rapes their child

or gets fostered and sexually abused

Some people are cruel, vile and disgusting - moreso than abortion


There was a big law suit filed against Oregon’s Governor and the Department that oversees the foster kid program, it sounds fck awful, almost as horrid as children cages, actually possibly worse, siblings separated, kids flipped through dozens of different foster homes on and on.

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