Sardines don't fetch Mercury

While certain fish such as shark, marlin and swordfish contain higher
levels of mercury, sardines are classed among the lowest
mercury-containing fish. The American Pregnancy Association advises that
pregnant women and those looking to conceive should limit their intake
to two 6-ounce servings each week. For otherwise healthy individuals, a
higher intake than this shouldn’t be an issue.

Mercury is one of those things that accumulate in the fishies, so the older the fish, the odds are of it having higher mercury levels, not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Basically it’s on the lower end of the food chain.

Still ain’t eatin the nasty basturds.

I remember breaking thermometers as a kid and playing around with the mercury. It would roll right out of your hands if you tried to hold it. I think I might even have drank some just to see what it tasted like.

Today, if a drop of mercury fell in the street they would call in Haz Mat and evacuate half the city.

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And you ain’t even retarded, see? All the panic is hogwash.

I was at a lunch with several people and one guy turned down the artificial sweetener from the waitress. Having gone through cancer he was worried about chemicals in sweeteners.

Ok, that’s understandable. How about the fuckin’ 100 lbs of extra fat on his body? Cripes. People make me wonder sometimes.

I used to play with a lot more then in 50 thermometers - it’s fun stuff

If I said I had a half cup of mercury they would do like D_M said - close off 10 fucking sq miles and send people in space suits