Todays Funny

So ya got a 3, big deal.

They were absolutely the hardest 3.


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My dad was born as a conjoined twin, but the doctors managed to separate them.

So I have an uncle, once removed.


Posted on a Portland Trailblazer* fan page on FB

I’m looking for 2003 drivers door some ass wipe hit my car and left no note , anyone have or know of one for sale

A Professional Basketball Team.*


But you’ll wear a mask while riding your bike and melt down if others don’t, right?


I hear people saying that Jeffrey Toobin was just trying to multi-task on his Zoom call. That’s really hard to pull off.

Toobin wanted to sue over his suspension, but his lawyer said it wouldn’t stand up in court.

Was he wearing a mask while he was #MeToobin ?

"No, Jeffrey! Today’s meeting topic was “mask debating”….!”

CNN has asked Toobin to resign but he said he’d rather stick it out at CNN.

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I’ve been a fan of his mostly, and this is just bizarre…i guess being a perv is an equal opportunity vice.

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Big mad!

Are you serious?!?!? So after leaving the drive thru today in Jax Beach, FL my wife took her sandwich out of the bag and we see THIS!! Seriously? Oh not today, not today!! I went back to the restaurant, went INSIDE (already fuming), asked to speak to the manager and then threw the sandwich on the counter. I asked him for an explanation. He looked confused, so I pointed at the writing on the sandwich and demanded that he tells me why someone felt the need to write it on my Wife’s sandwich. He answered, "because you ordered a BLT with cheese??” To which I replied “Oh” 😶

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funny thing… she ordered a tuna salad sandwich

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It makes me think we should have a Snowflake Dumb White People thread in the humor section, but then I remember how hard it already is to find stuff in the humor section and I resist the urge.

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