Today's study of severe dumb fuckery - white to move

LOL. That’s a stalemate, right? When I was young and stupid I had a fight with my opponent who claimed I lost when I got into a “I can’t move” situation and I argued that since I have no legal moves it was a stalemate/tie. I never did figure out the right answer.

Can white do an “en passant” capture of a black pawn? I don’t get that rule neither.

No legal move is stalemate - on the computer ends the game in a draw - nothing to discuss

white or black can “en passant”

Congrats, Six, on salvaging a draw from a virtually unrated opponent who’s already raped you to the tune of 2 rooks and a piece. WTF did you do to get in this position?

It’s a two minute game - anything can happen - his rating is higher then mine

Duh. Fuck it, I googled it instead. Never mind.