Religion of pieces strikes again

The Beebs update link

So this was a concert fer teen girls

Wow, how fucked up is that - blowing up teens





It seems the bomb was detonated in the foyer area after the concert.

Security would have knocked off and gone home by then.

The bomber could have easily walked into the venue and detonated.

Brazil is the same time as Eastern USA - it’s still fucking Monday

I’m not in fucking Brazil.

Its fucking TUESDAY.

It’s gonna be Tuesday in 13 minutes

And fuck the pisslamic invasion

Ariana Grande is pro invasion

Sadly ironic.

Honestly, this just makes me so sad. I hope none of the dead are young. I hope only old people got killed. That’s stupid, I know. But I can’t bear the thought of young people dying for no damn reason.

19 reported dead so far.

Predominantly young girls…

How much longer can we live with these beasts amongst us…

Gay clubs

Rock and roll shows

Pop music concerts

I just saw some Karl Marx wannabe saying in facebook that the biggest terrorists ov the 21st century are the “young right wingers who are bringing fascism back”

All the time, it’s the very first people who would be slaughtered by the “immigrants” are the ones doing everything to bring them in.

These people have been brainwashed into pure and simple suicide.

It was outside the venue as people were leaving

Standard leftard reaction…

“Its OUR fault. We DESERVE to be slaughtered.”

Treacherous curs.

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I feel sorry for the artist.

She must be feeling awful.

Wow. Too soon but funny.

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trash killing trash

It was Obama’s fault

I feel soo much safer evet since Trump defeated ISIS in his first 30 days in orifice.


Well of course the person to blame is the one who offed themselves. Good, go get revenge on them.

C’mon, go visit revenge upon the person who did this. I’ll wait.

Now, going forward like intelligent adults, we DO ask about security at the arena because we also now know this fucko walked in with the bomb/device in a backpack. While always a good place to look the bomb or parts weren’t left for them to get inside. Fucko brought it in. So, while some want revenge on a ghost, let’s wake up and realize a lot of people have a right to ask for real security at a stadium event.