Women brain dead after hit by 4k bike in Central Park - JJ

Maybe he’s the murderer in Central Park.

I think in the Central Park the killer was a black man.

Oh wow. The Fox “News” racists, I mean posters, must be having a field day with that.

Actually other cyclists seem to be taking him to task for his irresponsible actions. Most of the poasts are like that.

Are you aware, JJ, that LA County covers almost 4800 square miles? Lots of very different neighborhoods contained therein.

Just the other day J.J. asked you about one of those neighborhoods and you were somewhat brusque in response.

Metropolitan NYC is 480 square miles. 1/10th the SIZE of LA.

Huh? fdegfgg

He was curious about San Pedro and you responded as if he had asked you to discuss Vico or something.

Yeah. 4800 square miles, dude. Lots of neighborhoods (or cities) I don’t know very well – or care to know. I simply told him the truth.

I like Vico. I wouldn’t mind discussing Vico with someone who wasn’t dick swinging re his fluency in Italian.

Woah. I have been labouring under several misconceptions.


I had misunderstood the Vico situation.

I haven’t been to LA since I was 7 or something. The only thing I remember is traffic.

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JJ was bragging that he read Vico in Italian and bet that I couldn’t discuss it as it was written in Italian. He’s right. I read it in an English translation.

The traffic in LA gets exponentially worse every year with the never-ending flow of immigrants from South of the border, from Asia, and from the Midwestern, Southern, and Eastern states of the USA. And from Canada.

I was taught to drive defensively. I think bicyclists should ride defensively. They are at a disadvantage…they don’t have MORE rights than drivers or pedestrians.

They assume they have the right of way. No, they don’t.

JJ was bragging that he read Vico in Italian and bet that I couldn’t
discuss it as it was written in Italian. He’s right. I read it in an
English translation.

Whoa Nellie.

Bragging? “Dick swinging”? Hardly. I was asking if you might assist me with the translation of the phrase cose civili. Is this how you respond to students, when they come to you for help, Lotus Bud?

I thought we might have an interesting literary and intellectual adventure together. I was refused.

She’s wonderful, you and a few others think so.

But I’m the one that’s despicable. What a joke.

Your memory is very different from mine.

beg pardon?
